Monday 4 January 2010

Graphic Novels Challenge

I've just signed up for the Graphic Novels Challenge 2010 as this is a genre I'd like to explore further this year. In 2009 I dipped my toes in and read some amazing books like Maus, Persopolis and The Burma Chronicles (as well as a few lighter non-fiction ones!) and I would love to read more in 2010. Maybe I'll even get around to reading Neil Gaiman's Sandman!

There are three levels of participation - Beginner (3 Comics or Graphic Novels), Intermediate (3-10) or Expert (10+) and I am going to aim for Intermediate but secretly hope to hit Expert.

I do have a few books lurking on the shelves that qualify and Nymeth and Chris (who are hosting the challenge) posted a link to Flashlight Worthy's Best Graphic Novels of 2009 list which looks interesting. Another reference I will be using heavily is my copy of 500 Essential Graphic Novels which has been heavily marked with books I would like to read. In a bid to lower my 2010 book buying expenditure I will try to borrow as many as I can from my Library as it has quite a good comic/manga/graphic novel section. Famous last words!

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