Friday, 29 February 2008

Some Things...

Some more things that have caught my eye over the past few days.

From The Telegraph"After a debate that left senior members of the Telegraph's literary staff with pulled hair, black eyes and, in one case, an infected bite, we this week present our list of the 50 great crime writers of all time."

Another list of must reads from io9 but this time it's twenty science fiction novels that will "change your life". Some great books there but (even better from my point of view) there are several I've not read yet and have added to my list.

Emma from Snow Books posted the cover she made in one day for George Mann's The Affinity Bridge and I think it is so gorgeous that I am happy to buy the book later this year for no reason other then to own a copy of the picture (although luckily the book does sound like my cup of coffee*!) So jealous and here's the link.

Robert from Fantasy Book Critic issued his monthly Spotlight for Febuary and (as usual) it's a great resource that contains some excellent release, book and author information. I have no idea why I forgot to mention it on my last "some things" post but better late than never!

I discovered this month that the cover of Hanif Kureishi's new novel, Something to Tell You, is a bit rude. I lost count very quickly...

Simon from Stuck in a Book kicked off some fun by posting some eight word book synopses. I was going to join in but got an attack of the shys.

Boing Boing posted a piece inspired by the book "Six Word Memoirs by Writers Famous and Obscure" and the comments grew and grew.

Oh - and who knew that Geoffrey Chaucer hath a blog? "My gentil rederes alle, what merveilous werkes we see yn thys tyme... ich am astonyed with the wonderful werkynges of the Internette. Trewely, yt beth a thyng of grete wisdam and power." What fun and one for the blogroll.

I think that'll do for now! Must post in shorter bursts...

* I hate tea.

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